Challenging times require exceptional guidance. Could you use some heart-centered inspiration and a kit bag of tools to help you through?

Are you feeling frustrated, stretched to the limit and in need of a mindset adjustment? Do you fly off the handle and say things you later regret? Walk around with a clenched jaw and bunched shoulders? Wake up at night with anxiety over your overwhelming to-do list? If so, you’ve come to the right place. With 35 years of experience, I know how you can achieve your goals in a calm, centered manner and impact the world with your authentic presence and unique gifts.

Angela will offer you hope and essential tools in her current virtual presentations. You and your people will be able to:

1. Release resentment, frustration, stress and anger.

2. Use mental strategies to stay focused and productive … no matter what.

3. Search out opportunities for growth rather than focusing on problems.



This program inspires participants to turn anger into creative energy. Using her popular “Name it, Claim it and Change it” approach, Angela gets people actively involved and prepared to handle anger in a new and rewarding manner.


Design the life you love to live. Turn challenges into opportunities. Discover how to stay calm and focused during stressful times.  Create a joyous and rewarding lifestyle.


Relationships can be a burden or the best part of our lives, it’s all about perception. This program offers 8 strategies to create harmony, respond instead of react, and nurture the best in others.


Imagine you have just finished your presentation and it was a huge success! It will be when you take our coaching program and learn proven, powerful techniques to shine your light!


“Angela has an incredible ability to enlighten and lift spirits.”
Pat Codato, CNCP
“Although there were 1000 people present, I felt like a guest in your living room!”
— Barbara Dyszuk, KW Counseling Services Inc.
“Your presentation came off smoothly and flawlessly. It was fun, interesting, and informative and kept everyone’s attention!”
Laura Macdougall, Patheon Inc.
“Your session was very uplifting and provided three key concepts for our staff to infuse our workplace with enthusiasm. You have a wonderful rapport with your audience and you were very successful in getting them to laugh at themselves. Your energy is positively contagious!”
Jill Leedham, St Peter’s Hospital


“Your session was very well received. You, Marianne Williamson and John Gray were the only speakers to receive a standing ovation and you were the only Canadian speaker to do so.”
Liz Davey, H.R.P.A.O
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